Wednesday, August 19, 2009

81. A Savage Place, Robert B. Parker

Reporter investigates racketeering in movie biz and Spenser is bodyguard. I never get tired of these.

Monday, August 17, 2009

80. The Sweetheart Season, Karen Joy Fowler

Fowler is a wonderful writer with an unexpected way with words. Not really about baseball. A coming-of-age novel about women (for a change) in 1947.

Monday, August 10, 2009

79. Walkin' the Dog, Walter Mosley

Mosleys Blacks are different from thee and me (white people) and worth listening to. Fine short stories about the street philosopher/ex-con Socrates Fortlow.

78. Poodle Springs, Raymond Chandler & Robert B. Parker

Four draft chapters from Chandler of Phillip Marlowe novel finished seamlessly by Parker. Not top-notch Chandler or Parker, but fun.

77. Hold Tight, Harlan Coben (Audio)

Tangle of plots that come together beautifully at the end. Variety of kid-parent relationships from a man who obviously loves his.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

76. Den of Thieves, James B. Stewart

Pulitzer Prize winning account of junk bond scandals of the 80s. Cops! Robbers! Excitement! Keep your money under your mattress.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

75. The Man in My Basement, Walter Mosley

Good story and discussion of good and evil, but, really, I'm beginning to worry about Mosley's state of mind.
